Whether you have noticed water damage on your ceilings, your water bill is higher than it usually is or your loft tank is constantly running, there is likely a leak somewhere in your home. However, with so many different pipes carrying water throughout your property, finding a leak can be very difficult. Not only can leaking water cause extensive damage to your property, but the process of detecting leaks can cause even more damage.

This is why we provide non-evasive water leak detection services at Absolute Leak Detection. We understand how frustrating it can be to have to rip up your flooring or make several holes in your walls, so our leak detection specialists will use non-evasive methods to find the source of the leak. Below we have explored how we can assist you with leak detection in more detail. 

What are Non-Evasive Leak Detection Services?

In short, non-evasive leak detection services are methods of detecting leaks without having to disrupt the structure of your property in any way. There are a few different methods we use at Absolute Leak Detection, including; thermal imaging cameras, moisture metre profiling and endoscope cameras. These methods enable us to detect any leaks without causing any damage to your property and although the source of the leak will need to be exposed to be repaired, we can keep overall disruption to a minimum. 

The Benefits of Non-Evasive Water Leak Detection Services

When compared to other more traditional methods, using non-evasive methods for leak detection can be very beneficial for homeowners. Being able to pinpoint water leaks without having to open up walls or floors can save a lot of time, money and effort, and it’s a much less intrusive way to identify water leaks.

Non-evasive water leak detection services can track the source of large, complex leaks and also detect even minor water leaks, helping to protect against costly damage to your property. Some of the key benefits of non-evasive methods include;

  • Easy way to find the source of water leaks
  • Non-intrusive and doesn’t cause damage to your property
  • Helps limit the damage caused by water leaks due to the quick detection of leaks
  • Can help to detect water damage caused by leaks before it becomes visible
  • Saves time and money when repairing water leaks

These efficient services are incredibly versatile too, they can assist with the detection of various types of leaks and common problems homeowners experience. From leaking central heating system pipes and leaking bathroom facilities to rising damp and ingressing rainwater, non-evasive services can help you to fix leaks around your home without causing even more damage. You will quickly and easily be able to redecorate once a leak has been detected and repaired too, so you can get your home back to normal in no time. 

Searching for a Water Leak Detection Company?

If you are experiencing problems with a leak in your home and you’re trying to find a water leak detection company that provides non-evasive services, get in touch with us at Absolute Leak Detection. We offer a comprehensive service whereby we can locate the leak, access the pipe, complete any required repairs and complete a full report for your insurance claim. We pride ourselves on making it easy for homeowners to fix their leaking pipes. 

When you contact our team at Absolute Leak Detection, you can trust you will be dealing with leak detection experts. We have many years of experience locating leaks in awkward spaces and we can save you a lot of excess damage and mess. If you have any questions about the water leak detection services we offer, feel free to call us on 01702 842 944 or complete the enquiry form on our website and we will get back to you as soon as possible.